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Documentation :: cBB Follower
- Quick Guide
- Requirements
- Compatibility
- Install
- Uninstall
- Main functions
- User profile
- Comments
- Mentions
- Hashtags
- User tracking
- Configuration
- Manage
- Main options
- Permissions
- Events
- Core Events
- Javascript Events
- Template Events
Quick Guide • Requirements
cBB Follower needs very few requirements to run correctly.The basic requirements are:
- A phpBB forum whose version is equal or greater than 3.2.0.
- The explorer must be support Javascript to use and manage the mod.
Quick Guide • Compatibility
As a general rule, in a forum you can not have installed two extensions that do the same function, because they will cause errors between them.cBB Follower includes, among others, the function of mentioning users. Therefore, it will not be compatible with the following extensions:
- Simple Mentions
- BBmention
Quick Guide • Install
- Unzip the cBB Follower zip file in a local folder on your computer.
Upload all the files contained in the upload folder of that file (maintaining the directory structure) to the ext directory located in the root directory of your forum.
The final route for the extension files should be: /ext/canidev/follower/ - Using your web browser, navigate to the Administration Panel and go to Customize >> Extensions
- Find cBB Follower and click in the Enable option.
Quick Guide • Uninstall
cBB Follower can be uninstalled in a few steps:- Using your web browser, visit the Administration Panel and go to Customise >> Manage Extensions
- Find cBB Follower and click in the Disable option.
- When the extension is disabled, if you want to delete completly, click in Delete data and remove the directory /ext/canidev/follower from your server.
Main Functions • User profile
The user follower provides a profile where you can see the activity of the user and their most relevant information.Each user can access their profile from the link located in the top navigation bar.
Note: If the profile of the user follower is set as the default profile, you only need to click on the names of the users.
The sections shown in the profile are:
- Chronology: Shows the most recent activity of all the users that are followed.
This tab is only displayed in each user's own profile. - Wall: This tab shows the comments published by the user.
This tab is only displayed if the comments are activated. - Mentions: This tab shows all the comments and messages the user has been mentioned in.
- Messages: Here you can see the user's published and approved messages.
- Topics: Display a list of topics created by the user.
- Following: List of users the user is following.
- Followers: List with all users following the user shown.
Depending on the section in which you are and the permissions that have been awarded, each user will see different options in the lists:
Some of the main options are: Delete comment, respond to a comment, share a comment, respond to a topic, follow a user, etc...
Main Functions • Comments
If this option is activated in the Administration Panel and the user has the necessary permissions he can post brief comments (twitter style) on their wall.Comments can be published from any profile using the button located at the top of it.
Main Functions • Mentions
Mentions are references to users, similar to the mentions of Twitter, which can be added both in the comments and in the forum messages.For the mentions the symbol @ will be used followed by the username, or using the bbcode "mention". Example:
Thanks to the smart list that appears when you're writing, mentioning other users is done quickly and easily.Main Functions • Hashtags
Hashtags are tags that can be used in both comments and forum posts.As in twitter, the # symbol is used followed by the tag.
The extension has its own search engine that allows you to search for a tag and show all the comments and messages that have that tag.
A list of Trends with the most used tags will be displayed in the user profile.
Main Functions • User tracking
This function allows a user to follow and have a record in real time (through notifications) of all the activity of another user.Among the activity that can be followed are:
- Comments published.
- Topics created.
- Posts published.
- Mentions.
Main Functions • Configuration
Each user can customize certain features of the extension to their liking.These options are found in the User Control Panel:
- About me:
Location: User profile.
Small text that each user can use as a description of himself. This text will appear in your profile and as additional information in the lists. - Profile image:
Location: User profile.
Image that will be displayed as the background of the header of your profile. - Notifications:
Location: Forum preferences > Notification options.
In this section the configuration of the notifications of the extension is added.
Manage • Main options
Accessing the Administration Panel >> Extensions >> Follower route will be able to manage all the options of the extension.The options available in this version are:
- Main Configuration
- Set as default profile:Activating this option will allow the user's follower profile to become their default profile, hiding the default phpBB profile.
If enabled, the default phpBB profile information will appear in the follower profile. li> - Show floating information box:Determines under what circumstances a floating box with user information will be displayed when hovering over its name.
- Maximum rows:Sets the rows of items that will be displayed in the profile.
- Resize images: If enabled, uploaded images will be resized to the maximum size specified for forum attachments./li>
- Enable comments among users:This option enables or disables comments for all users.
- Advanced information in the comments:Defines whether images will be allowed to be included in comments on the wall.
- Maximum characters:Sets the limit of characters allowed in comments.
- Save user comments:If a period of time is chosen, comments published outside that period will be automatically deleted progressively.
- Set as default profile:Activating this option will allow the user's follower profile to become their default profile, hiding the default phpBB profile.
- Tools Contains tools to solve data synchronization errors.
Manage • Permissions
For full control over the extension, several permissions are included for users and moderators.These permissions can be set manually from the Advanced Permissions option that is found when setting permissions for users or groups.
User's Permissions:
- Can follow users. Define whether a user can follow the activity of other users.
- Can share and rate comments and messages. Define whether a user can share and like comments or forum posts.
- Can edit/delete comments on their wall. Define if a user can edit or delete their own comments.
- Can mention users. Define whether a user can mention other users.
- Can post comments on your wall. Define if a user has activated their profile wall and can post comments on it.
- Can edit/delete comments from users. Define whether a user can edit or delete comments, regardless of who the author is.
Note: In order to manage the main options of the extension, no additional Administration permissions are required.
Eventos • Core
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Location: controller/admin_controller.php
- Arguments: display_vars, submit, cfg_array, error
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Location: controller/admin_controller.php
- Arguments: display_vars, submit, cfg_array
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Location: controller/admin_controller.php
- Arguments: action, error
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Location: controller/main_controller.php
- Arguments: mode, wall_row, user_cache, track_cache_ids, is_ajax
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Location: libraries/ajax.php
- Arguments: action, template_filename, json
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Location: libraries/follower.php
- Arguments: active, service_options
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Location: libraries/follower.php
- Arguments: text
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Location: libraries/follower.php
- Arguments: type, item_id, data
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Location: libraries/follower.php
- Arguments: type, item_id, data
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Location: libraries/follower.php
- Arguments: finder
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Location: libraries/tools.php
- Arguments: row, wall_row
Eventos • Javascript
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Arguments: service
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Arguments: object (service, parentDom)
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Arguments: object (service, parentDom)
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Arguments: event (action, service, sendData)
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Arguments: event (action, service, originalEvent)
Eventos • Plantillas
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Location: adm/style/acp_follower.html
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Location: adm/style/acp_follower.html
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Location: styles/*/template/right_side_body.html
- Added in version: 2.0.0
- Location: styles/*/template/right_side_body.html
- External Links
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